Oregon Center for Public Policy

BIPOC-Led Organization


Our mission is to achieve economic justice for all Oregonians through research, analysis, and advocacy.

We join together with community-based partners, civic leaders, and people like you to change public policies – the rules that govern our economy – so that prosperity flows broadly. For the past 40 years, the rich and powerful have pitted our communities against each other based on what we look like or where we come from, making us believe we can’t all have what we need.  

But when all of us work together, we can advance policies that ensure all Oregonians can live a good life. Join our fight today.

Bottom Line for Portland

Together, we are building a better Oregon for everyone. This year, we led the creation of the Oregon Kids’ Credit, which will put cash directly into the pockets of low-income families with young children. When you join us, together we will fight: 

  • * To build an equitable tax system, one that doesn’t ask the most from those that have the least.
  • * For worker power, expanding the right to organize and bargain for a better future.
  • * To ensure that all of us have what we need, by creating an income floor that no Oregonian will fall beneath.

To learn more, check out our ambitious policy agenda;  Action Plan for the People: How to Build Economic Justice in Oregon, our go-to source for data on the economic well-being of Oregonians; Data for the People, and our podcast; Policy for the People.


“The Oregon Center for Public Policy is an indispensable partner in the fight for economic and racial justice. They provide anti-racist policy solutions that become reality through research, advocacy, and community action." – Jenny Lee, Deputy Director, Coalition of Communities of Color

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We work to dismantle inequitable economic systems that prevent communities of color from building economic security. We partner with community-based, culturally-specific organizations to ensure that those most affected by inequitable policies are leading the struggle for change. Our analysis explains how current economic policies entrench and deepen racial disparities, and we propose anti-racist policy solutions geared to eliminate those disparities.


Double your impact – all new donations will be matched dollar-for-dollar, up to $5,000, thanks to a generous challenge match from the OCPP Board of Directors.

All donations of $250 or more will receive a “Policy for the People” baseball cap.


Thank you Shift Accounting and union print shop Hollywood Impress Printing for providing financial support for our Give!Guide campaign.

Support our nonprofit partner Voz Workers’ Rights Education Project. Voz is a worker-led organization that operates the only Worker Center in Oregon. Voz's core mission is to empower day laborers, including domestic workers, to protect civil rights and improve wages and working conditions. Voz addresses this through three distinct programs: the Worker Center, Leadership and Education, and Grassroots Organizing.

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Year Founded: 1997

Tax ID: 931186075

Oregon Center for Public Policy is in the Civil & Human Rights category which is sponsored by Davis Wright Tremaine.

They're a medium-sized organization with activities in Clackamas Co., Multnomah Co., Washington Co. and beyond.

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