Neighbors for Clean Air

Neighbors for Clean Air’s mission is to create a healthier Oregon through the reduction of air pollution. NCA upholds state and federal air regulations and advances broad-based, grassroots change through active community engagement with partner environmental justice organizations, regulators, local municipalities, and the state legislature to reduce sources of air toxics, both from industry and the diffuse sources that adversely affect health and negatively impact quality of life in our urban centers.
Bottom Line for Portland
Despite our green reputation, Portland has some of the worst air quality in the nation. Ninety percent of Oregonians live in a neighborhood where the air we breathe causes cancer. With the highest levels of exposure in our most populous regions, like Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas County. In the Portland metro region we have rates of diesel pollution exceeding state health benchmarks by 10 times. This skyrockets in BIPOC communities, with rates 20 times above the benchmarks. Neighbors for Clean Air has a long record of success in fighting for better air so we live up to our reputation.
“I really believe that pound for pound NCA is one of the most effective environmental organizations in Oregon. We've made substantial progress on air quality in our local community and across the state and Neighbors for Clean Air, because of their relentless advocacy and smart, fact-based approach to policy-making, is responsible for a lot of that success.” Deborah Kafoury, Former Chair, Multnomah County Commission
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
In Oregon, due to a long and enduring history of unjust land allocation and red lining, BIPOC and low income communities are exposed to rates of diesel pollution exceeding those in whiter, more affluent communities by 2-3 times. Despite this, the majority of decisions about air quality are made in rooms that are not accessible to limited English speakers, young people, people in the midst of poverty, or BIPOC community members. In Oregon, these rooms are in local government committees or at our capitol, Salem, either at the state legislature or in commission meetings for Oregon DEQ. While often inaccessible for minority community members, paid industry representatives are overrepresented. We hope to change, fundamentally, the way that entities like DEQ, local jurisdictions and industry engage with the communities that have been consistently excluded.
Starting Nov. 22nd anyone who donates $10 or more gets a free ticket to NCA’s Clean Air Dance Party with DJ Anjali & the Incredible Kid on Thursday Nov 30th 8-10pm!

Neighbors for Clean Air is in the Environment category which is sponsored by A to Z Wineworks.
They're a micro-sized organization with activities in Clackamas Co., Multnomah Co. and Washington Co.